My motherhood top 10 to date:
1. I have already fallen prey to the thumb lick. It happened Friday. I hate the thumb lick. Hopefully I won't do it again. (But, what choice did I have - we were on our way to Target and he had cream cheese on his nose. I had to get it off).
2. I had my first morning blow out just this week. Got up, went to the bathroom, got myself together - then got Con changed. Um yeah, poop everywhere. Inside the jammies, up the back, up the belly. Good lord it was not a pretty sight. He went straight to the tub.
3. I have had to hold my child when peeing. Before Connor I swore the bathroom was off limits. When I'm in the bathroom, no one else can come in. Yeah that lasted a long time. When he melts down and says "up" while I'm peeing, what choice do I have to stop the tantrum?
4. I have put him in the trunk. While yes, this is, in fact, true, it's only when I'm loading the groceries. Let me tell you, you get some funny looks standing there with your kid with him in the trunk. (And before you call CSA, I have a hand on him and he can't pull the trunk lid down on himself.)
5. I have taken him out of his crib at night just to hold him while he's sleeping.
6. I have to check on him before I go to bed...and every time I get up at night. I wonder what age he will have to be before I quit that one?
7. In a pinch, I've taken a drink out of the sippy cup. :hanging head:
8. I use having a child as an excuse to play on the playground too. If you can't get in there and enjoy it with them - what's the point?
9. As a working mom, I have never been one to be annoyed at middle of the night wake-ups. I look at it as a little more time I get to spend with him.
10. I am fiercly protective of my family. Something happened after I gave birth. It's not just my son, it's my whole family unit. I'm like some sort of freaky steriod-laced lioness.
Hello world!
11 months ago
I thumb lick all the time, usually while dropped Aiden off at school when I realize he still has syrup on his face.
6 years...I still check before I go to bed.
Just came over from SITS. My kids are all teens and twenty now but definately can relate to all of these. As they get older I modified the thumb lick...I say "stick out your tongue" and when they do I swipe my thumb on it and use their own spit for clean ups. For some reason it's not as gross to them as teens :)
have a great day!
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